Supergirls..all of us..
i love my is always better when there's you around..
ps..some supergirls are not in the photos..i dont have photos of the others in the US and NZ (lynette, ayen,chichi,fil,normita,etc.)
Ps: some supergirls are not facilitating due to lack of time..but you are definitely joining..the better to just enjoy the moment..=)
i.e...Ate Lou, Tita Wi, Maris, Liza and Jopie..and everyone i havent mentioned..x
As most friends know, i am the consummate student. I attend classes, left right and centre, even in the middle of working fulltime, a university degree and a time-consuming hobby=)
Blame it on not having a child and having a husband who believes that 'learning' is a lifelong commitment. The moment he sees me googling classes on the internet, he jumps on the bandwagon and agrees that "
that sounds just like you, go for it". Because he is the same. He lectures in a university and teaches in an exclusive 'posh' school because he is tired with slackers wo cant be bothered because their education is free,haha (apart from doing mini courses in Cambridge once in a while). (and yes, this explains the Masters Degree forms i need to fill up by early next year. Again, i blame it on my University dean who sent it out to some of us, my husband found it and somehow is making me lean towards doing it..I so am a masochist!).
So attending seminars/lectures are not new to me, nor will i think i'd ever stop doing it.
I have attended structured seminars and i love them. Even online ones ,i get so much out of it (gosh the friendships and contacts i get from them alone).
So in my head, i have this structured seminar forming in my head. Its not an impossible dream(because i know if people commit to it, it will happen), but it is a dream because the people involved in this are too far away from one another.
This seminar will involve people I know could benefit and would enjoy this day. It will be girl-bonding at the same time and learning something in the process.
Hear me out:
What: The Supergirl Seminar (Maximising Your Supergirl Powers)
Where: In a Beach cottage/or mountain cottage (with seminar room) somewhere in Cebu (where most supergirls are)
Length: 3days 2 night seminar (i wanted it to be a whole week but it wont be feasible for moms, as this seminar will be without our families and entourage).
what to bring: bathing suits/camera/make up kit/writing materials/pyjama and one party dress
Friday :(Date to be finalised)
6:00 AM -travel to destination
9:00 Am- arrival, and start of seminar (registration,LOl, badges with supergirl names will be given)
9:30 AM- Introduction and welcome speech
-Okay, i will be the one to give the speech because i organised ( and probably sponsor) this (bloody) thing,haha)
9:45 Am- 10:00- snacks : cakes and coffee
---- Lecture Proper---
10:00-12:00 - "Supergirl, who are you?" --a lecture and insight into your supergirl powers
(this is with games/writing and sharing/introductions)
-To be done by..(still thinking about it)--any volunteers?
12:00-1:30-- Buffet Lunch (catered by Kusina Habana)
1:30-3:30 - "Photographs by A Supergirl" --
(basic photography class/learning your camera settings) --and finding your photographic style ( facilitated by Aileen Siroy)
(note: bring your cameras: whether digicam or SlR's all have
3:30-4:00- snacks/merienda
4:00-6:00 - "The supergirl writes" -Creative writing to be lectured and facilitated by Chin Kong
-writing from a supergirl perspective -
(bring your notes and pencils/interactive exercise on writing/blogging)
6:00-8:00 - free time (enjoy the beach/pool..if in a mountain lodge, nature walking?)..or better yet, practise what you just learnt
8:00- 10:00pm- Welcome dinner buffet and mingling with everyone (any sponsors please?)
10:00-12:00nn-- Parrtyyy
Next day: (Saturday)
6:00AM- mini breakfast (bread and soup/cereals/oatmeals/coffee)
7:00 AM: Supergirl YOGA -- speaking to the Supergirl inside you
(yoga talk/benefits of yoga, and demonstration and facilitation by Mai Pages- Solomon)
9:00-9:30 am -snack (proper breakfast)
10:00-11:00 -free time.. (shower and getting ready for lunch and afternoon lectures)
11:00-12:30 - sit down Lunch - at resort restaurant to allow chatting and discussion
12:30- 2:30-- "Make-up session (Bringing out your Supergirl sparkle)" --
(Basic make up tutorial/coverage/day/night make up).. By Therese H.and Kaith C.
(Note: bring your make up tools ladies )
2:30-3:00-- snacks
3:30- 5:30-- Self-portraiture/ Photographing The Supergirl (lectured and facilitated by Maimai S. and Aileen S.)
In Lectures will share their self portrait tips and how they do it, and what makes self photography a basic Supergirl power (LOL) taking self portraiture exercises
4:30-6:00-- "Karma Sutra Supergirls: unleashing your powers in the bedroom"
Lectures by Patricia V. and Filipinas SJ.
(interactive lecture about what makes a supergirl's man tick in the bedroom, helpful tips and activities to a have a productive Supergirl bedroom)
(note: PG 18--hehe)
6:00-7:30--- free time (changing into pyjamas)
7:30-9:00--Dinner /Pyjama Party (Dinner sponsored by..??)
9:00-10:30-- .Printing out of photos we took and sharing of Supergirl powers.
13:00-12:00 Partyyy
Sunday (Last day)
7:00-9:30 -Packing
9:30-11:300- "Music Appreciation?Translating music into passion"
(facilitated by Jane G. and Filipinas SJ: listening to different music genres and writing/blogging about it..and finding the Supergirl music)
10:00-11:00- Sharing and forum
11:00-12:00 --Graduation/Handing out of certificates and badges
1:30pm--Head home
Note: No one will be driving so no one can come in late and no one can come out of the group in the middle of the sessions and go home. You are either there or not. You are giving yourself a chance to focus and enjoy without any of the usual day-to-day distractions.
To join the seminar, you would have to be committed to the sessions or the seminar will not be a success.
We would have to hire a coach/bus which will take us there and drop us off our respective houses.
We would also have to make sure that its only 10-12 people per seminar to keep within the time frame.
The first year may be just the Supergirls attending because most of it is sponsored , but the next year will be attended by "the public" for a fee on a first reserved,first attend basis so that we could afford to pay the facilitators and the place/materials/etc...we could not afford to sacrifice the quality of the classes by too many people too.
And the power of the internet will make this seminar popular, because everyone would have to blog about it, eh? =)
Hopefully, this experience will give us an opportunity to bond (even more), learn more from one another (coz come on, lets face it, as much as we read one another's blog, we still don't know one another that much).
In the case of a public attendee outside the supergirls joining it: it will be a way of meeting like-minded people.
Apart from the above, it will be a way to learn new skills or polish old ones: i.e. photography, writing, journalling, blogging, self actualization, fitness, make up, music and so much more.
This is also a journey to self as the programme will allow, "self" moments and coming back and sharing what you found out by going out (in time) with yourself..
But of course the above are just the Aims and Objectives of this seminar..It is very much structured because if not, we will just waste an expensive weekend away from love ones, without gaining anything from it. We could not afford that as time is precious..Specially time away from love ones.
PS: and yes, the programme needs tweaking. i would have wanted to do the following:
a two hour culinary session with Therese Habana as lecturer (the Supercook/and Domestic Supergirl)/
a two hour networking and business facilitation and session with Mimi (the Supergirl networks)/
a book appreciation class with Ayen (Supergirl books and stories)
voice and singing session with Janey (singing acapella/finding your supergirl voice)
A new mom's voice, a Supergirl perspective by Normita (First time Supermoms)
Handwriting and snail mail session with Lynette--maybe posting letters to our superselves/
and painting and sketching session with Patricia and Filipinas (Supergirl art)
Starting Anew--A Supergirls life abroad by Chichi
Fashion with Chin and Kaith (WhatThe Supergirl wears)...
but gosh, i think we need a long vacation for that..LOL
We can rotate the sessions as the current above sessions for the programme were chosen because i thought that theyre what we need and relate mostly to blogging which writing/photography/writing about music/sex-life (duh!)/and fitness (healthy mind and body), were very important as part of the taster sessions..
Maybe in the second year, we could add a Supergirl Seminar part 2 ( which incorporates the other sessions not on the above list), --attended only by those who have done the first seminar..
(whoaaa! lemme stop here).
Its free to dream.
And boy do I dream big! =)