Wednesday 1 December 2010

the turkey that pulled the trigger

i ordered my turkey today. its a special kind of organic farm-bred turkey that adrian and i have been getting since his son introduced it to us in christmas 2007.

we've been buying organic turkey since i could remember, but always from a big store. this was from a farm.

today i ordered it and its ready for pick up on the 23rd of december. i love picking it up coz when you do, there's always festivities going on in the farm, Santa Claus is there, giving some presents for the kids and for the adults, there's some christmas wine and some tasty turkey sausages for freebies and everyone is just in a christmassy happy mood.

it reminded me of my family when they were here last year. we had to order turkey in november for the first week of december christmas gathering we were having with Adrian's family..(last year our christmas was in cebu, we had to do a christmas gathering in the house with everyone around, from both Adrian's children, Lotte (Paul's girlfriend) and both of Adrian's brothers and Alan's wife).

i always wanted my mama, and siblings see our christmas tradition. so i took them to pick up the turkey from the farm.

i joked with them that since we were picking up the turkey, they have to dress appropriately for running and catching the turkey from the farm. Roi was excited to do some running, Ana caught on early in the car that i was joking and Mama, bless her was saying she's not a fast runner and was quite worried when i said it,haha.

they breathed a sigh of relief when we picked up the dressed turkey in a box.

Roi looking amused, after feeling an 11 kilo turkey

i had my help in these two..

she'll kill me for posting this, but what the heck, sisters are for loving and caring..and for teasing younger sissies too,haha.


it's funny that, how ordering turkey can make one miss your family. but, i miss them all the time, so maybe, whatever it is, i always go back to them.

how about you, who do you miss? (this christmas season?)


Unknown said...

Mom and I loved decorating our house for Christmas and we have collected more than enough to trim the whole house. We also had a 9-foot lighted tree which we dressed with 3 dozen angels from a NGO in San Juan. If anything that's the one Mom and I miss. We have a parol in the window now but I will try to buy a real pine wreath for a change.

kookooforcocopuffs said...

what a picture you described ate lou..i can understand why you miss it..cant you replicate it now? sigh, we all have our christmas memories..=)

Mommy Blogs said...

organic turkey is the best! i must say! if i host a thanksgiving dinner next year, i'd feed my guests the cage free, non frozen bird!

but the man of the house is no fan of turkey! mangita na lang ko ug dako kaayo na manok LOL!

kookooforcocopuffs said...

organic turkey is the best! i must say! if i host a thanksgiving dinner next year, i'd feed my guests the cage free, non frozen bird!

but the man of the house is no fan of turkey! mangita na lang ko ug dako kaayo na manok LOL!


yup che, the kelly bronze ones arent frozen ones..theyre freshly dressed..i think turkey is really difficult to cook, you need it to be just right, so it doesnt become dry..i dont cook for christmas, adrian does,hahaha..and watch out, adrian does his own gammon/hamon..

ari nya mo, lutuan mo ni Ading,,=)

Unknown said...

Can't, our ceiling must be only 8-foot high now. Maybe I will get a real pine swag or wreath - that will smell good.

kookooforcocopuffs said...

aww, just like oour front room..just buy a 7ft tree, that will be ok..and yes a pine swag sounds beautiful and classic=)