Wednesday 23 June 2010

where to go

sometimes when the roads cross, you just want to quit, retreat and put the white flag up..

and yet there are also those times you know you cant,

so you head on,

do or die.


i give myself peptalks.

id say to myself:

we can do these, were made of strong stuff.

most of the time it works.

right now, i make it work.


Shutterfairy said...

me too i give myself peptalks.. cheer myself even, when nobody is cheering... lol

konsuy said...

chel, you know you made the right decision when you feel light. walay mga obstructions, dili ka lisudlisudon. hahaha. at least that is how think through mine. but there are times you just want mag labad.

Unknown said...

Just imagine the end goal Chelo. You'll get there. Sometimes there are stumbling blocks but that will just make the reward sweeter and well worth it.

Aileen said...

That's the spirit, Chel!
You are indeed made of strong stuff. :)

kookooforcocopuffs said...

me too i give myself peptalks.. cheer myself even, when nobody is cheering... lol


same here mai..we need to believe in ourselves first before anyone else, so its right that we give ourselves some peptalking..*hugs*

kookooforcocopuffs said...

chel, you know you made the right decision when you feel light. walay mga obstructions, dili ka lisudlisudon. hahaha. at least that is how think through mine. but there are times you just want mag labad.


thanks chi..that makes sense=) *hugs*

kookooforcocopuffs said...

Just imagine the end goal Chelo. You'll get there. Sometimes there are stumbling blocks but that will just make the reward sweeter and well worth it.


thanks for that wisdom ate comforted by that=)

kookooforcocopuffs said...

That's the spirit, Chel!
You are indeed made of strong stuff. :)


thanks ai..sometimes, i have to be, no choice..thanks so much=)x