Monday 15 August 2011

a blip (hopefully)

i am stuck at home today because Adrian is not feeling well.

i hope its just a funny turn in his system, and nothing serious. (something stressful for his age i think is not upsetting news has a different effect to someone who holds his emotions in)

last night i had to call the ambulance, because i was worried finding him on the floor. we took him to the hospital and he was so angry being in the hospital, he self-discharged.

i am so scared.

i dont know. the thought of losing the one person who have nothing but dedicated his life to me is like having life cut off itself.

i love this man, and God knows how i needed to be at work today, but id rather lose livelihood and be penniless than be without him.

scared and sad is an understatement.

i just know, the future is not worth what its worth if he's not there.

wish us well.

(and you, my loves, keep well too)


Aileen said...

Oh no! I hope it's nothing serious! And I hope he feels better soon.

Hugs, Chel. I can imagine how scared you were (still are).

Keeping you both in my prayers.

kookooforcocopuffs said...

thank you,Ai..that means alot...;-)

Anonymous said...

Be rest assured you are both in my prayers. Maybe this is just a reminder that as we get older we need to watch our health (look who's talking) even not for ourselves but for those people who love us and counts on us being there for them. I can understand how he feels about hospitals but they are there for our well being. My Mom has the same reaction to hospitals so he's not the only one. He'll be out of there in no time. Count on Him.

Mommy Blogs said...

Chel, I hope Adrian gets well soon. I know this is easier said than done, but keep the faith *hugs*

kookooforcocopuffs said...

Ate Lou: you are so spot on on your comment...we need to constantly remind ourselves we do not need only to be healthy for ourselves but for other people who depend on us too;-)
he hates the hospitals..there was a point i thought they were going to sedate him because he was just fuming angry and upset being in it..u can imagine my anguish..Adrian is a lion when he is angry and it scared the whole ER,haha.
he has been out after a few hours, what happened was a reaction to recent events and stresses..thank you ate lou..

kookooforcocopuffs said...

@therese: thank you,T...i count on that alot..;-)

konsuy said...

keep well. be stronger (maski lisod). he needs you there for him. praying with you. hoping all is well. take care dearest.

heartsthoughts said...

hi chel. i hope he is well now. adrian deserves nothing less but the best of health. his zest and passion for life must b rewarded by having more of healthy yrs to enjoy life. im always including u and him n my prayers. pls send my regards to him.

kookooforcocopuffs said...

keep well. be stronger (maski lisod). he needs you there for him. praying with you. hoping all is well. take care dearest.


kookooforcocopuffs said...

hi chel. i hope he is well now. adrian deserves nothing less but the best of health. his zest and passion for life must b rewarded by having more of healthy yrs to enjoy life. im always including u and him n my prayers. pls send my regards to him.



Liza said...

Oh no!!! I just saw this. I hope Adrian is now OK, Chel! HUGS to you...