Tuesday 19 April 2011

Baking with M (Part 2)

{Photos taken on April 13}

Part 1 is at the previous post..

Photos for a bakery class website.

Session: Artisan baking (French breads)

1) Baguette
2) Pain de campagne
3) Fougasse

some black and white photos of Teacher M..;-)


i enjoyed taking photos of a breadmaking class. if there's food involved, count my enjoyment;-)


Liza said...

Hala, this sounds like fun, Chel! I've never made bread. I think it's a lot of work but some people make it look so easy.

konsuy said...

win win. nice nice kaayo imong photos chel. love the cozey homey feeley.

Unknown said...

Looks like fun! Is Adrian baking this weekend?

kookooforcocopuffs said...

Hala, this sounds like fun, Chel! I've never made bread. I think it's a lot of work but some people make it look so easy.


it was fun, Liz...its great to meet people in these classes where their interests are the same as ours..Maria is a great teacher..so cute with her Danish accent too;-)

kookooforcocopuffs said...

win win. nice nice kaayo imong photos chel. love the cozey homey feeley.


unsay opposite sa win-win ? "los-los"? hahaha..hi chi..winner kaayo ang breadmaking class..the best birthday gift ingon si ading kay daghan siya nakat-onan..and hapit na siya mu retire so he could do this for a hobby;-) watch out..mu slim mi'g samot ni Ading aning iyang new hobby,haha

kookooforcocopuffs said...

Looks like fun! Is Adrian baking this weekend?


hi ate Lou, he is baking on Saturday so that we have fresh breads for our visitors this Sunday (easter)...right now,he's doing some univeristy paper work..kawawa siya ate lou, always infront of the computer, checking student reports..;-) Happy easter ate lou;-)