Saturday, 12 March 2011


photo: some unnoticed corner of piccadilly


my sister, for her final school project, asked me questions why i blog.

simple. to make new friends, to maintain old friends, widen my circle and keep in contact with people. (i must say,it has given me that). blogging is a free and an easy tool to do such. and not to take this opportunity is just plain lazy for someone who loves making friends and lives far away from love ones.

alot of us have different reasons for blogging. some may want it for business (to earn money, hey, i would love that too, but that requires dedication and time which i do not have), and for documenting times of our lives..basically,its an extension of ourselves (not wholly or purposely,but incidentally). some blogs can get thematic and may concentrate on certain areas of the arts, politics or some just purely opinion essays. these are my free magazines. i love de stressing from my day by reading my favourite blogs.

but what i do not get are blogs that really are there to just pounce on people/other human beings. like constantly.

well,an occasional rant or two,maybe three, is a requirement, its our journal after all. plus,any normal human being is allowed to feel upset and angry, of course (but for justifiable courses, something went wrong,someone upset them, someone wronged them, yes, by all means, let it out, its our right). but there are blogs,whose main purpose is to attack, criticize and just pure mean. they may have an occasional/rare flare-ups of niceness, but they still could not help make a dig at the bottom of their entries (which negates the nice entry,haha). its not even against politicians or actors, who i think have some vulnerability to these attacks from all kinds of opinion-makers from journalists to bloggers to the
local kanto lasenggero. its against people who they see from day-to-day basis, maybe even their friends, or anyone that comes across their peripheral vision.

the weird thing is, alot of people seem to love such blogs too..

im sure alot of people agree with me when i say its hard to cultivate good working partnerships in environments that reek of (unprovoked) negativity and just being mean, for the sake of it.

you can be mean, as a knee-jerk reaction to someone have done something against you (hopefully not imagined) , yes. but to be mean for the sake of it? i just don't get it. (well,i do if i base it on my psychology background, but lets not go there).

but i'm sure i'm not the only one. there are people who stay away from such forums and platforms.

at the end of the day, we don't have to be nice. no one asks us to. blogging would be so unnormal if eveything is just nice and happy and great,right? i suppose,the best thing is, to just be how you feel when journalling in blogs.

but if someone has a perpetual pre-menstrual syndrome or daily hang-over, then its not a blog they need, its therapy.


NB: this is just a opinion of one lowly blogger.;-)

NB: and..i do not have friends, who do such blogs,thank goodness.


Liza said...

Whuuaaaa!!! Why didn't I know about this blog? I miss reading you, Chel. And I miss your beautiful photos too. Naa ra man diay ka diri. I hope you won't mind me stalking you here.

kookooforcocopuffs said...

Whuuaaaa!!! Why didn't I know about this blog? I miss reading you, Chel. And I miss your beautiful photos too. Naa ra man diay ka diri. I hope you won't mind me stalking you here.

Hi Liz! its nice to see you here..i wonder why you didnt know about this blog?,at least you're here;-)
thanks for dropping by and i love having you here;-)

Mimiii said...

i am blessed to have met you 'online'. i enjoy reading your blogs although there have been times i don't get to visit them.

thanks a lot, Chel for reading me and for leaving encouraging comments.

kookooforcocopuffs said...

i am blessed to have met you 'online'. i enjoy reading your blogs although there have been times i don't get to visit them.

thanks a lot, Chel for reading me and for leaving encouraging comments.


mims, i do realise people (like me) have limited time to read, much more, reply back in blogs..naa pa gyud tawn mo mga babies..i know youre always there..since sa beginning pa;-)

i love your fitness reminds me that if there's a will, there's a way..and you are inspiring in your effort;-) admirable;-)