Monday 29 November 2010

i parked for the day life is a busy life. not busy in a corporate way, nor is it celebrity kind of way (hehe) but busy in a therapist-student-wife-sister-friend kind of way.

but today, i stay put. i had enough lieu time to use up, and the only day where its not busy with clients at work, is a Monday. so i opted to use it on a Monday. i literally could not use it on a Tuesday, Thursday and Friday as thats my busiest when it comes to client face-to-face.

anyone who holds a full-time work, to only have your weekends as your rest time would know that an extra day in the week is an added bonus to do some stuff relegated normally for the weekend.

so today, i was productive. i did not only have caught up with lost sleep. i also did a massive laundry turnover for linens for guests in the christmas period and of course, some banking.

its great. tomorrow, its another day of knowing people, listening to their story and be the rational perspective that will get them get over the hump.


my bank rang me again, they queried why i transfer X amount of money to a philippine bank on a regular basis. i had to bite my tongue to not be sarcastic and not say:" i assure you, i don't fund radical activities in the philippines." but i didn't. tempting, but i didn't, i feel that there is no privacy anymore.

i'm sure they're just weary of recent money laundering scams and funding of terrorist acts in some asian countries, but please, the meager amount i send, wont even feed an army of ants.

{photo: a red bus toy, at the antique's fayre in portobello market}


konsuy said...

chel, glad you had an awesome 'parking' day. =)

kookooforcocopuffs said...

thanks chi..good amount of rest and chore, perfect balance=)