Tuesday 15 June 2010

clickers anonymous,camera make,lens and a virtue

recently, i have had 3 people in a a span of days between them ask me what DSLR camera they should get. i gave them my advice, but dont worry Canon lover friends of mine, i was honest, to say i could only comment and talk about Nikon as i have not used a Canon in my life.

But thats not putting Canon down as i know its one great camera brand too. i also said, whether they'd get a Nikon or Canon, what matters is they invest in some good lenses and learn the camera settings to optimise the use of the camera's functions. its sad when people buy their SLR's and do not fiddle with the AF points, ISO's, get the exposure and metering right, they might as well stick to point and shoots. i suggested to them to learn their camera by either attending a photography lesson (basic lessons to learn the functions) or if they're persistent enough to read a manual, play with it and learn in hindsight.

re. the lens they should get, i told them to know what photography they wanted to do. one wanted to photograph her cakes better, one wanted better pictures for her travels and one just wanted nice photos of her children. it made sense for all of them to get an all-around lens and invest in a specific lens for their craft.

after every discussion with these friends of mine, i always get the jittery happy feeling you get when you know you're getting a new expensive gadget. i always remember the feeling, sleepless night and you're itching to just hold the thing and play with it. even if you're buying your first or upgrading to your third camera, the feeling is the same--(well, basing on my experience anyway). i always get the butterflies in my stomach and the anticipation of feeling the gadget in your hands. yes, even if youre getting the same camera model as your last one (to add to your kit). no matter how much you memorised the contours and buttons of the thing, the excitement is there.

i felt that when i was talking to them (online). i could feel their excitement and i was excited too.

out of the three, only one wanted to hopefully pursue it professionally. (although if you ask me, it all starts generally not pursuing it professionally but when things get out of hand, and people start to notice your photography, you start to open up to possibilities of 'maybe, i could earn money from this hobby'. to which i say, "why not!". the world is our model/click click). the one who was intending to do it professionally asked me for a few tips, on how to make it. i gave her some honest answers.
i told her, that i really dont know. my photography is still at the baby stage, and this is just so i could get a few bob while taking photos of things i really really love (wedding, the accoutrements that come with it, the dresses, make up, romance, etc). the only way to get a free pass to photograph someone's wedding is to be the photographer, so thats the grand scheme.

some people do not like weddings, some prefer sports photography, some people travelogue-documentary photography, and some simple portraiture. depending on one's preferred scenery, i say go for it.

i also told her to research and read as there are gazillions of photographers out there who are sooo good,and extremely talented and these people are all online. its that accessible. some are household names by now, and some are just starting out and some are yet still waiting to be discovered. i am far (far far far) being considered good (yet). i am still learning everyday, and i also asked her to expand and learn more of others who are very good. although i was flattered to be asked for an opinion, but in reality, there are so many out there, who are far better beyond comparison. do not get me wrong, i am happy where my photography is right now because this is what i'm capable of. im taking it slow and in appropriate levels. i want to crawl first before i run, so to speak.

and thats the best part, the learning process. each day we learn new stuff, out of introspection and most often than not by mistakes (hopefully with lesser repercussions).

my friend G thanked me and said, she will keep that in mind. i gave her links to some of the photographers i admire, and told her to study from them, and learn her own style. one of the pitfalls of alot of photographers right now is that you can hardly tell which one's photographed by who as almost everyone has adopted the same style.

i told her that i also read a quote somewhere that said something to this effect: " id rather be a bad version of myself than a poor copy of someone else". i always try to keep that in mind when doing my photos and im sure she will.

being revolutionary is daunting and hard, but thats the beauty of it, to be different, and eventually make our own mark.

right now, that is the quest, to stick to my style, bad or awful it might look, it should be fine, because at the end of the day, its me, after all.


in hindsight i could have added: oh humility, thats important..people will always say positives about your work but do not let it get to your head. you are only as good as your last shot.

once a photographer let it get to their head how good they are, their craft will just be a stage for feeding their ego. the passion to learn and yearn will be gone, as they feel they are the best. the worst case scenario is that the photographer becomes greedy and tramples other people for the sake of their own photography. ugly? it could get that way. ironic when photographs generally convey something visually aesthetic.

there are so many talented photographers in Flickr too who do not take themselves seriously (and what amaaaazing photos!) and still accept criticism and feedback, and some even are so humble that they say that they are emulating someone's style and gets to learn from their readers day by day. that to me is beautiful in its honesty.

one should not confuse quiet confidence and stark arrogance--there's San Francisco bridge between the two.


i wish to photograph alot of people and events (now) but the heavens thought id be better off slothing off my time in books and patients.

i am a slave to the fates.

ergo, back to my books.


konsuy said...

chel, you have always been an inspiration and always will. this blog all makes sense. i have kept the photography magazine you gave me and i'm still in the process of finding what i really want to do. i want to dance always bahala na ug tambok. photography will be my 2nd love.

Shutterfairy said...

I agree to everything you wrote here.

As we learn new things everyday (I think the learning will never stop), we develop our own style.. I also think that our personality shows in the pictures we took. Like I know if it's you or Aileen or my other photog idols... even without the watermark.

Mommy Blogs said...

phew taasa ba! i can't wait to get my hands on a new gadget. so i keep praying mayta madatu na si chelo LOL!

bitaw, sakto we should always be open and willing to learn some more. kapoy sad ning uban sige panaway mura biya ug naningkamot.

anyway... finish that na!

kookooforcocopuffs said...

chel, you have always been an inspiration and always will. this blog all makes sense. i have kept the photography magazine you gave me and i'm still in the process of finding what i really want to do. i want to dance always bahala na ug tambok. photography will be my 2nd love.


theres no limit to what you can be Chi...you can dance and still do photography..keep doing it chi, you have the eye for the surreal and the emotional..x

kookooforcocopuffs said...

I agree to everything you wrote here.

As we learn new things everyday (I think the learning will never stop), we develop our own style.. I also think that our personality shows in the pictures we took. Like I know if it's you or Aileen or my other photog idols... even without the watermark.


i agree mai=) you and aileen are beautiful photographers who never let your talent get in the way of your being wonderfully creative..keep at it, that makes you both even inspirational for me.. i learn alot from both of you=)

keep making beautiful vintage-y photos..thats your mark=)

kookooforcocopuffs said...

phew taasa ba! i can't wait to get my hands on a new gadget. so i keep praying mayta madatu na si chelo LOL!

bitaw, sakto we should always be open and willing to learn some more. kapoy sad ning uban sige panaway mura biya ug naningkamot.

anyway... finish that na!


HAHAHA, che, kung magpaabot ka kuns-a ko madatu murag mag 80 nalang ta, di paka kagunit ug DSLR.hahaha..

i have not heard anyone making panaway yet, (i dont deal with negative sourgraping people like that), but ive seen people who have been let down by arrogrance..and its sad..the talent is overshadowed by egos as tall as the eiffel tower..sayang.. but they'll learn soon, life is great at making us learn through our mistakes..by then, hopefully it wont be too late.

i wish i could learn more..but im so bogo understanding manuals and reading..i keep playong with my camera, trial and error..and most of it is error,hahaha=)

T, you take wonderful photos..get yourself an SLR na lagi=) you will fall in love with it=)

Aileen said...

AMEN to every sentence!
Above all, AMEN to humility, to being grateful to those who inspired us, to authenticity! :)

And please believe me when I say you are an awesome photographer, Chel. I told you, IF and WHEN i get married, you will be my wedding photographer. Because I really like our style, your creativity, your take on events (and life). :)

kookooforcocopuffs said...

AMEN to every sentence!
Above all, AMEN to humility, to being grateful to those who inspired us, to authenticity! :)

And please believe me when I say you are an awesome photographer, Chel. I told you, IF and WHEN i get married, you will be my wedding photographer. Because I really like our style, your creativity, your take on events (and life). :)


oh im glad my idol agrees with me..=) i am and will always be grateful to you, and alot of inspirational photographers out there who made me think," i wanna try that!" most of all, thank you, coz you instilled this yearning to make the best of my photography..:-)

oh wow! i would photograph your wedding, even if you wont ask me...only because i want to have keepsakes of your day...thanks ai=)so much..for everything=)